スターチャンネルムービズ LOVE篇 THANK YOU篇

WTFC planned/directed/edited a web commercial for STAR CHANNEL MOVIES.

With the increase in movie lovers who spend more time at home due to the spread of COVID-19, we decided to create a collage of various films that the Tohokushinsha group distributes and broadcasts, based on the themes of “Love” and “Thank You (Appreciation).”

Films include Sofia Coppola’s “Lost In Translation,” “Trumbo,” “Shaun the Sheep Movie,” Audrey Hepburn’s “Sabrina,” and more.

“Thank You”:

In the hopes of a future where we can all see each other, hold hands, hug, and laugh together again. We dedicate this film for those who are fighting around the world for that future.


Planning: Kinuyo Taira (Tohokushinsha Film Corporation)
Planning: Masaaki Arai (Tohokushinsha Film Corporation)
Planning: Yukiko Onodera (Tohokushinsha Film Corporation)
Producer: Yuki Shimizu (Tohokushinsha Film Corporation)
Director : Daisuke Yoshikawa (WTFC Inc.)
Planning cooperation:Sachie Takada (Star Channel)
Online Editor:Daisuke Ishikawa (Omnibus Japan)
MAV:Tomohiro Haseo (Omnibus Japan)